Preston Blake Harris was born June 27, 2008 at 7:20 pm.
His stats are: 8 lbs 4 oz, 19 1/2 inches long
We are so grateful to have this little miracle in our life! Some little things about Preston, when he was born he had a little blister on his hand from sucking on it in the womb. He has my moms toes, they are super long and she picks everything up with them, and we are still trying to figure out the rest.
On Friday morning I woke up around 3 having contract- ions. I got up and started to clean the house, and then Blake woke up and had me come to bed. I woke up again around 5 and did some laundry, the dishes, and went back to bed for a few minutes. Around 9 I decided that these contractions were the real thing- they were 4- 10 minutes apart- so I took our dog for a walk for 2 hours. So then I got in the shower and called the doctor, she suggested that I come in the office and she would check me before I went to the hospital, we were just about to pull into the parking lot and I had a contraction and my water broke, just a little bit. I got into the office and the doctor checked me and my water broke everywhere. The doctor told me that I was at a 4 and said that it may still be a while so I could go home for a few hours or go to the hospital. So I went home until 3 and then we went to the hospital. When I got there I was at a 5 and I thought that if I had only progressed 1 cm in 3 hours that this was going to be a long ordeal. I told Blake that I needed something to ease the pain, and the nurse told me that my doctor would be there in about 20 minutes and she would help me then. Around 5 o'clock she showed up and suggested Nubain, just something to take off the edge, and by 6 o'clock I was at a 10 and pushing. He was here at 7:20 and it has been love at first sight!